Presentation of a Project Based on the Bitbon System at the Tech Conference in Luxembourg

Presentation of a Project Based on the Bitbon System at the Tech Conference in Luxembourg

Dear Bitbon System Users,

The Bitbon System is developing according to the Roadmap while new components[i] and services[i] are being added, which allows Users to take more opportunities in different activity areas. Meanwhile, the Bitbon System start-up, as you know, has already reached the 4th (penultimate) stage of its development, after which the 5th stage and the transition of the Bitbon System to a full-fledged commercial implementation will be initiated.

Already at this stage (that is, before the start-up commercial implementation), two important events have become a positive signal for the Bitbon System infrastructure[i] developer, Simcord, and the entire Bitbon System Community:

  1. The Agrobon project based on the Bitbon System became one of the winners of the Sсience&Business — GIST Pitch Days competition for knowledge-intensive start-ups in the Agro&Food section, which was held in March 2023 with the support of the U.S. partner — the U.S. Department of State — GIST (Global Innovation through Science and Technology Initiative). This project was submitted for the competition by the Research Center of Blockchain Solutions.
  2. The Agrobon project was selected by the Ukrainian Startup Fund, the Luxembourg-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine as well as by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to represent our country in the Ukrainian pavilion among the top five Ukrainian projects at ICT Spring 2023, the prestigious global tech conference of new digital and venture projects in Europe, which took place in Luxembourg on June 29–30, 2023.

The invitation to take part in such a large-scale conference and present there the Agrobon project based on the Bitbon System shows that the global concept of the Bitbon System Social Network[i] as well as its economic and legal architecture comply with the current international standards for developing digital products based on the latest information technologies.

Heads of European financial companies, banks, IT companies, representatives of ministries of different countries and many other participants in the conference showed interest not only in the idea and global nature of the Agrobon project but also in the possibility of long-term cooperation with the Research Center of Economic and Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies as well as with Simcord, which at ICT Spring 2023 acted as a technical partner of the Research Center of Blockchain Solutions.

High appreciation of the Agrobon project at this conference and the agreements reached indicate that the global IT community understands the key feature of the Bitbon System: it is intended not for speculative activities, but for creating and implementing specific projects (such as Agrobon), and for modernizing social and economic relations in a broader sense.

The final results of the ICT Spring 2023 tech conference inspire our entire team to keep working in order to present and launch the next projects based on the Bitbon System.

You can learn more about the ICT Spring 2023 tech conference in Luxembourg by following the links:

Global Tech Conference ICT Spring 2023 in Luxembourg

Our Agrobon Project Opens the Doors of the Ukrainian Agricultural Sector to New European Investors

The official website of ICT Spring 2023