Bitbon System Community Guidelines: Mutual Trust and Respect

Bitbon System Community Guidelines: Mutual Trust and Respect

Dear Bitbon System Users,

Our Community is developing, and in many countries more and more people understand the advantages of a progressive ecosystem of services — the Bitbon System social network of economic relations[i]. At the same time, the diversity of statuses[i] and roles[i] of Users allows implementing social relations in various directions and areas of activity as part of the common information space.

The Bitbon System Community strives to ensure a high level of transparency for the socioeconomic relations of Users[i]. For the parties to these relations there is a technological monitoring of compliance with the agreements reached. For this purpose, rules of conduct for all Users without exception were compiled and presented in the Appendix to the Bitbon System Public Contract “Bitbon System Community Guidelines”. These guidelines contain rules regulating specific actions of Users, and establish liability for their violation, as well as determine the procedure for resolving disputes between Users. Among other things, compliance with these rules will contribute to the unification of the Bitbon System Community by establishing mutual trust and respect between Users and the Bitbon System.

The general concept and principles of operation of the Bitbon System, which are reflected in the Bitbon System Public Contract[i] and its Appendices, form the basis for establishing the rules of the Bitbon System Community. This allows us to speak about the direct interrelation and complementarity of these documents, regulating in general the interaction of Users of the social network of economic relations as part of the modern world community in accomplishing its mission.

Thus, the Appendix “Bitbon System Community Guidelines” is in essence a guideline for Users while conducting activities and interacting with other Users on a trustworthy basis in compliance with moral and ethical standards.

You can read the new Appendix to the Bitbon System Public Contract by following the link Bitbon System Community Guidelines.