Simcord Presented the 2024 Report on the Implementation of the Bitbon System Start-Up

Simcord Presented the 2024 Report on the Implementation of the Bitbon System Start-Up

Dear Bitbon System Users,

Today, Simcord published news on its official website[i] sharing the results of the implementation of the Bitbon System start-up for 2024 and its plans for 2025 as part of the annual report. The publication presents the key points of this report and outlines the directions for the further project development.

Key achievements in 2024

Throughout the entire period of the start-up’s implementation, the team completed 85% of the planned key tasks, which emphasizes the high degree of readiness of the project for transition to the full-scale commercial implementation stage.

The report includes the following updates:

  • new document structure and expanded information;
  • the timelines of the expansion and exit stages of the start-up;
  • current socioeconomic trends.

Implementation of key services and components

Particular attention is paid to the components[i] and services[i] of the platform, their functionalities and interaction. At the current fourth stage of the start-up development, the Company has focused on the development and implementation of the key components that ensure the operation of services in the Bitbon System[i] as well as the implementation of the main services in the following groups:

  1. Metaresources[i] of the Meta Studio DE service package and the main metaresources of the socially oriented group of services available in the One Space app.
  2. Key services for organizing corporate activities and carrying out socioeconomic relations by Bitbon System Users through the One Space app.
  3. Key services that ensure the creation and scaling of local business communities and deeper integration of the Bitbon System with the economic infrastructure of various regions of the world.
  4. Services aimed at ensuring a new level of efficiency in building and developing socioeconomic relations based on the Bitbon System infrastructure[i].

Features of report generation

When preparing the report and planning future work, the team took into account changes in the scope of the project, the Company’s internal resources and the impact of current socioeconomic realities. Due to this, it was possible to minimize adjustments to the timelines and stages of the start-up.

You can read the news published on the official Simcord website by following the link:

You can view the full version of the report, which aggregates information on the Bitbon System as a start-up, by following the link:


One Space is a base service of the Bitbon System that provides the infrastructure for ensuring interaction of Bitbon System Users. One Space is the development of SIMCORD LLC (EDRPOU 37657823).
Simcord LLC. Technologies. Ukraine. (Company ID code 37657823). Based on the Bitbon System Public Contract, Simcord acts as t he first Bitbon System Operator.