New format of security for transfers of Bitbon units

New format of security for transfers of Bitbon units

When working with Users, one of the priorities is to create conditions that guarantee safe use of services.

As of July 13, 2022, an algorithm for calculating daily limits on outgoing transfers of digital asset units depending on the ID Passport category was introduced. These limits will be calculated based on the received ID Passport category. Accordingly, the higher the User’s ID Passport category is, the higher is their daily limit on outgoing transfers and the wider range of opportunities they have within the Bitbon System. At the highest ID Passport category, the User will be able to access the mode of unlimited outgoing transfers.

The implemented approach will increase the level of security for transfers of digital asset units of each User in the Bitbon System, as well as increase the level of confidence in the transactions by the recipient of such transfers.

You can learn more about the limits in the “Help” section by clicking here: